“Satire is what closes on Saturday night.”

“I saw the show at a disadvantage: the curtain was up.”

“Skylark, starring Gertrude Lawrence, is a bad play saved by a bad performance.”

“I can trace my ancestors all the way to the Crusades – Sir Roderick Kaufman. He went as a spy, of course.”

GSK on the much-altered film version of Stage Door:
“I can trace my ancestors all the way to the Crusades – Sir Roderick Kaufman. He went as a spy, of course.”

GSK telegram to a misbehaving actor:
“Saw your performance tonight from back of house. Wish you were here.”

GSK on film directing:
“It’s all right, I suppose, if you can stay awake.”

GSK in the linen department of Bloomingdale’s:
“Have you got any good second-act curtains?”

Contact Us Today
Interested in bringing George S. Kaufman’s timeless plays to your stage?
Please refer to the contact information for each specific play on the various collection pages for direct amateur and professional licensing information.
Plays are represented by Concord Theatricals, Broadway Dramatic Licensing, and Music Theatre International respectively
If you are interested in first-class performance or film/television rights:
In the US, George S. Kaufman’s plays are represented by:
CPK Artists, LLC
In the UK, George S. Kaufman’s plays are represented by:
Alan Brodie Representation
For more information about George S. Kaufman or this website, contact:
Laurence Maslon
Literary Trustee, George S. Kaufman Estate