George Washington Slept Here

By George S. Kaufman and Moss Hart

Original cast: 9 men, 8 women
Revised version: 6 men (including one 12-year-old boy); 5 women; One set interior

In the late 1930s, both Kaufman and Hart had bought country estates in Bucks County, PA. The arduous task of making a summer home had its humorous side, and so they wrote the granddaddy of all “Green Acres” scenarios—anyone who has ever had to deal with a contractor or mosquitoes or a renovation will sympathize immediately with the Fuller family and their plight.

For performance rights, contact:  Dramatists

A newly revised version of this comedy is available; all the laughs, but much easier to produce. For script, contact:

Table of Contents

The Plot

Newton Fuller fulfills a lifetime ambition: to own his very own colonial farmhouse—a home in the country. He drags his wife, Annabelle, and their daughter, Madge, out to Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to set up homesteading in a wreck of a house—broken windows, falling plaster, and a cow in the kitchen. But, Newton has faith—after all, George Washington slept there, so it’s even a part of history.

Life in the country, however, is no bed of roses; Annabelle finds country life impossible, the local caretaker is nowhere to be found, a mechanical drill pounds mercilessly for water, Madge is having a dalliance with an actor playing at the local summer stock theater—and to top it off, the local historian reveals that it was Benedict Arnold, not George Washington who has slept there!

However, Annabelle and Newton manage to make a beautiful country home and fall in love it. Complications ensue when they discover they have spent their last penny on the house and stand in danger of defaulting on their mortgage. Enter Newton’s Uncle Stanley, a rich old skinflint, who holds out the promise of a loan to save the house—or does he? Near catastrophe is averted at the last moment through a hilarious series of reversals and Newton turns into the country squire he always dreamed of becoming.

About the Play

In the late 1930s, both Kaufman and Hart had bought country estates in Bucks County, PA. The arduous task of making a summer home had its humorous side, and so they wrote the granddaddy of all “Green Acres” scenarios—anyone who has ever had to deal with a contractor or mosquitoes or a renovation will sympathize immediately with the Fullers and their plight.

A big success on Broadway and with summer stock audiences in the early 1940s (it was the most popular play on the straw hat circuit for many years), George Washington Slept Here was also turned into a popular 1942 film with Jack Benny and Ann Sheridan—although they switched roles from the original, and gave Benny the lines of the wisecracking Annabelle! One of the play’s challenges is the complete destruction of the house in Act Three; in a new revision of the play by Laurence Maslon, the house (and the comedy) remains intact—and six unnecessary small roles are eliminated.

Stage history

George Washington Slept Here opened at the Lyceum Theater on October 18, 1940. It ran 173 performances, but has never had a Broadway revival.



I wanted a house of our own. I wanted it for all of us. Annabelle, don’t be angry. Say you’re not angry, please.


Angry? I could spit from here to Mount Vernon. Look at this place. Just look at it.


But it was a terrific bargain, Annabelle. I got it at a terrific bargain.


More than a dollar?

A newly revised version of this comedy is available; all the laughs, but much easier to produce!

Strip Box

First Lady
Hollywood Pinafore (or The Lad Who Loved a Salary)

Other Plays in the Catalogue

Table of Contents

Contact Us Today

Interested in bringing George S. Kaufman’s timeless plays to your stage?

Please refer to the contact information for each specific play on the various collection pages for direct amateur and professional licensing information.

Plays are represented by Concord Theatricals, Broadway Dramatic Licensing, and Music Theatre International respectively

If you are interested in first-class performance or film/television rights:

In the US, George S. Kaufman’s plays are represented by:

CPK Artists, LLC

In the UK, George S. Kaufman’s plays are represented by:

Alan Brodie Representation

For more information about George S. Kaufman or this website, contact:

Laurence Maslon

Literary Trustee, George S. Kaufman Estate

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